Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The transformative power of giving young women cash

    Research, and the evidence from global development campaigns in multiple countries, shows that cash transfers to women can help women to gain more freedom in choosing sexual partners, decrease HIV transmission, and decrease domestic violence. However, the short term cash transfers show proof of short term impact -- for longer term success, greater amounts that allow for greater investment might be necessary.

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  • In northern Uganda, these women move past insurgency by baking cakes

    Sylvia Acan, co-founded Golden Women vision, an organization that teaches Ugandan women to bake cakes with the aim of helping them improve their social economic status. Many of the women, like Acan, became victims of sexual assault or gender based violence during the Ugandan war insurgency. Now, Golden Women Vision has “61 members: widows, single mothers (some whose children were abducted and never returned), domestic abuse survivors and former abductees.”

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  • A Worldwide Teaching Program to Stop Rape

    A program that trains girls and young women how to defend themselves against rape has proven highly effective in Kenya and is spreading to other countries, including Canada and the U.S. No Means No Worldwide trains girls how to identify risk and escape, and also to stand up for themselves verbally and physically, countering the socialization they get to be accommodating and nice. It also trains boys to respect girls and to intervene when girls or women are in danger and participants were able to stop assaults most of the time.

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  • Sweden's #Teknisktfel movement exposes sexual harassment in the tech industry

    Sweden's version of the #MeToo movements, #Teknisktfel, is focused on women that have experienced sexual harassment in the tech industry, and it's gaining attention from activist organizations. Nearly 2,000 people have signed a zero tolerance petition that since the launch of the movement, but the goal is not to just call out inappropriate behavior, but also to "address the stubborn structures in Swedish society that create difficult workplace environments for women in the first place."

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  • For Survivors Of Domestic Abuse In Papua New Guinea, Volunteers Offer Safe Havens

    Volunteer advocates in Papua New Guinea are trained by the United Nations to be human rights defenders and are crucial links for women facing abuse to help them navigate through legal proceedings to get protection. In a country where many officials are bribed and women have few resources to get help, the defenders are usually their only route to escape. It's dangerous work but when it works by coordinating many sectors it's effective.

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  • Could Vermont's new gun law have saved Anako Lumumba's life?

    Extreme risk protection orders can be effective in removing guns from dangerous people, but even though Vermont has such a law on the books, making it work effectively is difficult because it places most of the burden to prove the danger on the victim. Even if a risk protection order exists, law enforcement cannot take someone's guns if that person refuses unless they get a search warrant. The law's pitfalls were evident after the shooting death of a Burlington woman by her estranged partner.

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  • Domestic violence: Convictions are hard and the safety net has many holes

    Vermont lawmakers tried to make it easier for domestic violence victims to seek a special type of restraining order even if law enforcement does not have enough evidence to make an arrest. If it's granted the accused abuser cannot contact the victim or possess guns, but there are many holes in the system that make getting a permanent order more challenging. Resources are tight although one officer to work part-time in the State Attorney's office to create more uniform policies around the state.

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  • Domestic violence: Police failed to ask 11 questions that might have saved Anako Lumumba

    Lethality assessments have proven effective at avoiding domestic violence homicides and such a tool might have saved a Vermont woman who was murdered. The 11 questions help victims understand the danger they are in and also help law enforcement connect them with services. But officers in many counties in Vermont are either not using the tool or not doing it systematically even though an advocacy organization has pushed for its implementation and even when police chiefs embrace its use.

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  • Kids Say #MeToo After Each Performance of This Play

    Since the mid-1980s, Prevent Child Abuse Virginia (PCAV) has used theater to teach elementary and middle school students about sexual abuse and in the process empower them to report it. Over the course of 34 years, 13,000 students have disclosed their abuse experiences following a viewing of the play. “Many parents are very uncomfortable talking to their children about personal body safety because it gets all mixed up with the sex conversation,” executive director of PCAV explains. "The messages in the play fill the gap left behind by ineffective policy and cultural roadblocks," the author says.

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  • How Being Part of a 'House' Within a School Helps Students Gain A Sense of Belonging

    Assigning students to Harry-Potter-style "houses" in primary and secondary schools dissolves differences and decreases disciplinary rates, according to a school in California that successfully launched the system. Administrators say "residential colleges" breed built in mentorships between grades, promote inclusion and a sense of belonging, and decrease suspensions.

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