Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Seattle Is Changing Who Gets A Say At City Hall. Could Austin Learn A Thing Or Two?

    Getting renters involved in the conversation increases the diversity of voices and opinions in City Hall. In 2016, Seattle created a Renters’ Commission to provide a platform similar to traditional Home Owners’ Associations, where members can have an input and act as advocates for their communities. By having residents involved with the Renters’ Commission, Seattle hopes to rebalance power and involvement in local politics, from a model traditionally dominated disproportionately by homeowners, to one more representative of the city’s actual diversity.

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  • After grassroots victories, Vancouver, B.C. Chinatown turns toward revitalization

    Grassroots organizations, like the Vancouver Chinatown Foundation, seek to preserve Chinatown’s heritage and fight the displacement of old-time residents by gentrification. The organizations bought an historic hotel to prevent displacement of 100 low-income residents, revitalized commercial spaces such as restaurants to preserve the neighborhood’s heritage and history, and funded programs to support social connections with events such as Majhong socials that bring together over 100 people. While the organizations agree on the goal to preserve Vancouver’s Chinatown, they sometimes disagree on how to get there

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  • South Asian Asylum Seekers Find Healing and Hope After Sheridan Heartbreak

    Bringing assistance to asylum seekers from South Asia requires elevating their story in national discourse. In Salem, Oregon, the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon has coordinated with other advocacy groups, community organizations, and religious centers to champion the cases of and provide resources to South Asian and Sikh asylum seekers. Other important partners include the Innovation Law Lab, which provides detainees with legal services.

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  • Diverse Immigrant Communities Unite to Preserve TPS

    By coming together on the national stage, immigrant communities campaign against cancellation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS). The work encompasses over 40 different groups operating around the US to advocate for TPS holders. The Journey for Justice Caravan, led by TPS holders in partnership with the National TPS Alliance, mobilized support across 30 states. Other groups, including African Communities Together, coordinated to file a lawsuit to block the Trump administration’s measure to cancel TPS.

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  • The Jim Crow Jury System Falls in New Orleans

    An amendment passed in Louisiana does away with non-unanimous jury verdicts that have helped solidify racial discrimination in the criminal justice system since they were implemented in response to Reconstruction. Data shows black defendants were more likely to be convicted in the non-unanimous system and the votes of black jurors more likely to be silenced. Advocates said the amendment is a huge game changer against mass incarceration in Louisiana and racial discrimination.

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  • How Yemeni Immigrant Activists in NYC Are Changing a Whole Community's Mindset

    To assert their voice, community activists must move from behind the scenes to the front lines. Mobilizing the ethnic and immigrant community against Trump’s executive order of 2017 has led to the creation of the Yemeni American Merchant’s Association (YAMA). YAMA behaves like an umbrella organization, working to connect visa winners with humanitarian organizations, hosting legal training programs, becoming a plaintiff on behalf of Yemenis, and partnering with community leaders in cities across the United States.

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  • Make Voting Easy

    Voter turnout is higher where voting is made easy. Consider one innovation: vote-by mail. States that allowed mail-in ballots had an average of 10 percent more voting in the 2016 election than other states. More innovations include pre-registering young voters, automatically updating a voter’s address when they move, automatically registering citizens unless they opt out, and same-day voter registration.

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  • Seattle's radical plan to fight big money in politics

    Seattle tripled the number of people who contributed to local political campaigns by giving each resident $100 in “democracy vouchers” to contribute to the candidate of their choice. The concept was to counter the effect of big money in politics. Although the program was a widely popular idea, it ended up being expensive to run and only 3.3 percent of residents who received the vouchers actually used them.

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  • An evidence-based way to help fix our broken politics

    If elected representatives have a few hours to speak with their constituents, where’s what they should do: discuss policy issues online with a small group of randomly selected constituents. Participants appreciate the opportunity to speak with their representatives, rate them more highly, and are more likely to vote for them – even months later. The evidence supporting this method of engaging constituents is so compelling that researchers will present their work to all new members of Congress this year.

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  • How to tackle populism: Rebuild rural civic life

    Access to civic institutions, such as local newspapers, arts facilities, churches, and even breweries, help people feel more connected to their communities and less inclined to support populist candidates. Rural areas suffering from a lack of strong civic institutions are experimenting with promoting local businesses, organizing town halls, and even designing town mascots.

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