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  • Montana's Grand Prairie Experiment

    According to the WWF, 69 percent of the Northern Great Plains remains untilled, providing great opportunity for making sure that land remains untouched. Two conservation organizations, the Nature Conservancy and the American Prairie Reserve, are butting heads as they both try to preserve the land, albeit via different means. Although they both face opposition for their methods, this article lays out exactly how both have already managed to make great strides in conserving the land and increasing biodiversity.

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  • How a Beloved Bird Is Helping Save the Chesapeake Bay

    The Natural Lands Project works with local landowners to turn hundreds of hectares of marginal croplands into native grasslands. The grasses offer refuge for the northern bobwhite quail and grip the soil, which helps prevent erosion and keeps agricultural runoff and sediment out of the Chesapeake Bay. The quail population has grown to 450, a 39% increase from 20 years ago. The project works with landowners to convert small parcels of their land for the habitat. The landowners receive a small payment and help planting and maintaining the native vegetation. Many species have flourished in the new habitat.

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  • Home on the range? Private buyers restore U.S. grassland to cowboy consternation

    The American Prairie Reserve (APR)has diverged from government funding and instead created a free-market system to preserve prairie land across Northeastern Montana. Some ranchers in the state oppose the allowance of wild bison and other animals to wander fence-free, but others sell their land to the APR to maintain a diverse ecosystem on the plains.

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  • Forgotten Landscapes: Bringing Back the Rich Grasslands of the Southeast

    A little known fact about the southeastern United States is that it used to be home to millions of acres of prairies and grasslands, and it remains one of the most biodiverse places in America. The Southeastern Grasslands Initiative is taking on the responsibility of documenting little-known species to better preserve species and educate others about the region.

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  • Hungry Goats Are on the Front Lines of Wildfire Prevention in Southern California

    When a Southern California rainy season fuels a boom in non-native grasses, the Los Angeles County Fire Department's Forestry Division deploys herds of goats to munch on what could turn into a wildfire hazard. The goats provide a green alternative to the use of machinery to clear brush. The four-legged crews are more agile on steep slopes and cost less than their human and mechanical substitutes. The fire department limits the use of goats to qualified vendors who must ensure that the grass eaters don't go overboard, eating even native grasses and causing new environmental problems.

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  • One Way to Combat Climate Change: A Smartphone App That Lets Farmers Control Where Their Cows Graze

    A San Diego startup called Vence has created a device that can help farmers control their livestock’s movements and behavior. The new technology – a collar with accompanying software – buzzes when an animal is somewhere it shouldn’t be and shocks them if they keep going. While the practice of shocking animals isn’t universally approved, doing so can prevent overgrazing and thus improve overall land health.

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  • Climate change is fueling wildfires around the world. Can indigenous knowledge help us manage them?

    The indigenous practice of setting regular fires to manage land hasn’t been used in generations, but it’s now being brought back to help manage wildfires in Australia. With support from the Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation and 10 Deserts Project, indigenous people are re-learning old traditions to help the land, though they are still learning to navigate complex relationships with the government about which land can be used.

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  • Restoring the Range: Can Beef Be Earth-Friendly?

    Mortenson Cattle Ranch in Hayes, South Dakota is redefining sustainability practices for cattle-raising farmers by using a model that restored the habitat, wildlife, and water sources on their land. Mimicking the habits of bison herds, the Mortensons use a technique called holistic range management to rotate their cattle's grazing areas, which increases distribution of wildflower and grass seeds, as well as planting trees and replenishing groundwater using dikes and dams. Having started this in the 1980s, 90% of their 19,000 acre property is back to native vegetation, and efforts are still ongoing.

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  • New Tracking Technology Reveals Hidden Animal Migration Routes

    Aided by advanced GPS collar technology, scientists in Wyoming are mapping herd animal movement as they migrate across the state. Such efforts have helped planners and conservationists remove barriers and weigh development projects in accordance with the data, and such efforts are spreading to other areas in the Western United States.

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  • In Oregon, This Man Is Bringing Burrowing Owls Back From The Brink

    At a decommissioned chemical depot, a lone biologist has been building artificial homes for burrowing owls. To date, he's installed some 182 burrows. Not only have his efforts helped bring a declining species back across the region, but his studies have gone a long way to better understanding the birds.

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